Thursday, July 26, 2012

So Full Of Myself Episode 2 - I'm Down With Fever :(

To my dear precious readers
*bajet ramai readers lagi, demam-demam ni..khayal ubat batuk kot? @__@*
I'm down with fever..
It has been 3 days..
So I can't bring myself to update my blog for a while.
Even though I have so many things to write..
*bajet famous author >__<*
I want to do this!
Snug comfortably in my blanket like Hae did :)
Credit: everlastingfriendsapphirepearlsuju

Meanwhile, L.O./\.E, watch this. It is hilarious. And it composed of my two main-biases..Minhyun-sshi and Baekho-sshi..
Ye ye ye..Demam pun sempat cuci mata.. ;p

Credit: angieflauta@tumblr