Saturday, June 16, 2012

Is it me?

It is kind of frustrated when the people so important to me think that they're not satisfied me in most aspects..
The conversation, the performance etc...
Is it me??
And I thought I already tried my best..
I feels tired already...
Is there anyone out there who can accept me as I am??
A bit of a weirdo, nerd and anything that is not perfect.. 
Well, apart from my family...
They've been tolerating with the weird me since I was brought upon into this world and still adore me like crazy..
I might as well wait for Vee to post me AS teaser to cheer me up..
Today, no picture...
Just senseless words..
Goodnight peeps!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Huh? This actually happened to you Anne? People should have start accepting whom you are. You've given your best anyway, and it's not like you're not trying.
    I don't know the real situation but cheer up Anne. Don't think too much.

  3. i thought like that's very tiring.. i'm just going to behave exactly like AnneJ..nobody else..
