Monday, August 27, 2012

A Letter To My Readers (Attn: Vee)

Dear readers,
*Bajet Mat Salleh* I'm so sorry I'm unable to update my blog as I'm on Raya holiday for a week *and no time for internet* and the moment I'm back to work, my company is organizing an event which I'm even unable to sit down and eat . I eat lah..I eat 2 spoons, do work, eat 2 more spoons and work..and the cycle continued for 3 days. And today, I will draft one raya entry. Nak show off baju raya yang biasa-biasa je. Kikiki..
Dear Vee (because apparently she is my loyal reader),
I've missed out most of your updates and PLEDIS updates. T___T..I will try my best to cover everything starting today because yours is the first site I
*Sedar diri ini Melayu*..Tahniah kerana berjaya membela 2 kucing sekarang. Eh? Sup Peting Yue tu, Melayu boleh makan ke? I mean, bukan la sup dibuat dari your 'Peting Yue' tu..Hahaha..Sekarang sudah ada tambahan 9 nyawa, boleh la hari-hari menonton kekacakan Nu'est dan kecantikan After School.. Hehehe..
Tapi, I tetap aware dengan new OTP, UEE and Kaeun sebab I sangat gila Kaeun sekarang. Dia No 2 selepas JungAh. Habes GIFs and pictures Kaeun I download. XD
New Header sekarang?? Sebagai orang yang busuk hati, I akan challenge header baru u..Mana aci you sorang je ada header baru, I pun nak jugak!! Ngeeee..
Hal Kara Pandora, betul la apa yang U reviewed, tak catchy sangat macam Step. Nasib baik Gyuri tu gorgeous nak mati, so sudah ulang 2 kali. Tapi lagu tu tetap tak dapat nak tawan telinga I lagi.
Keep in touch ya!!!
Love you guys ketat-ketat,


  1. Hahaha, LOL. I was tired but then a wide smile just came back to me after reading this.
    Awaiting you to share your raya experience to the readers, for sure it's great considering you're too occupy with daily life. Blogging isn't important, they can wait. Reason why I need to update it almost everyday was due to my readers.
    Hahahaha, LOL what's with the fast transition going up there? ( language changing )
    Soup peting yue is a type of black herbal chicken soup. Halal, but i doubted you can have any of it in semenanjung.
    9 lives- i feel like dividing myself into 9 different bodies and visit korea just to see AS and NU'EST
    For UEE's case, I think she sayang Kaeun the mostlah. Pilih kasih tu ^__^
    Thanks ...I like my new header. Thanks to my skills.
    Finally, thanks for dedicating this post to me.

  2. Aiyoh, don't put too much hopes on my raya entry. Probably consisting of pictures're right, the reason we keep blogging is the readers. no readers, no blog.

    The language transition is because i feel so gila today. Sangat penat. ;p

    So peting youe soup only available in sarawak?? You mean it is a local delicacy?? Tak ape, nnti i menjejakkan kaki ke sarawak..hehe..

    Share with me some of Makoto's 9 lives. I want to visit nuest and AS too!!hahahaha..

    I think uee is most comfortable with kaeun because kaeun kelihatan sangat sweet and lembut *bukan lembut sotong..;p*..ok ok..i pun sudah pilih kasih..

    I wish I have skills like yours. My thanks will be to >____<''''

    1. Am putting much hope too.. hee hee.

      Mesti you penat bekerja. Like I said, normally you guys took off 1 week right. Missing work for few days is going to be a pain in the ass. Now, I'm just a free bird since I've resigned exactly before Raya. Haha.

      Apparently my Yuyu cat betrayed me today and went to my neighbor's house. He didn't even bother to look at his dinner and I noticed his perut was super buncit? And now he's still lepaking there. I'm so angry with him!!

      Actually UEE is soft towards all of them, she played her sister's role really well. Just look at how she treated e young last time. I'm glad that AS has someone like her- person with high EQ.
      That's why, bullying is prevented there.

      Finally, thanks for reading my comics. Awaiting for your new header until then, jgn kalah tahu. Hahaha
